Example Products

Made to custom specifications - available in different gauges, colors, and finishes.

Call us if what you need is not listed!

Window Sill Flashing - can be made to any shape and size to ensure leak prevention.

door threshold or door pan flashing

Door Pan Flashing - for leak prevention at door thresholds.

Gutters - installed along the downslope perimeter of a roof.

Downspout - vertical pipe for carrying runoff water from a gutter or scupper or gutter.

Scupper - provides drainage of a flat roof, can be made to any spec.

Headwall flashing - we can fabricate various headwall flashing systems.

Counterflashing - prevents water from getting behind the top edge of step flashing.

Coping cap - shelters wall from harsh weather effects. Commonly used with a hook strip/cleat.

cleat strip or hook strip for roof edges

Cleat, or a hook strip, designed to hold gravel stop, parapet wall cap, et al.

custom roof drip edge
custom roof extension drip edge

Drip edge - takes on many shapes and sizes, all of which we custom fabricate in-house.

Extension drip edge - where there might be a gap between the gutter and drip edge, we can create any size extension.

custom gable trim and rake edge
Transition Roof Flashing

Rake edge or gable trim designed to finish edge of roof.

gravel stop or gravel guard used on commercial roofing systems

Transition flashing for critical juncture between a vertical wall and an edge of a sloped roof.

Gravel stop or gravel guard is flanged flashing used on flat roofs to keep gravel contained.

J-Channel receiver for headwall flashing, ridge caps, and metal roof panels.